


Cofetaria Saveur a fost infiintata cu mult entuziasm la inceputul anului 2011, din dorinta de a aduce un suflu de prospetime si rafinament la ceea ce noi numim “cireasa de pe tortul vietii noastre”, si anume desertul. Avem convingerea ca orice masa, cu ocazia oricarui eveniment, poate fi innobilata cu un desert elegant si rafinat.
Tasty treats for every occasion. If you have a birthday or a celebration you can order cakes and swrets in advance or pick up a wide variety of cookies in the store. They have an assortment of raw cakes that are just amazing, full of flavor and not too sweet. They accommodate for different dietary restrictions, just ask about it at the counter.
Good cakes, taste like they use quality ingredients.
Nice service, decent coffee.
Good prices for entire cakes (per kg), a little high for individual portions.
Natural ingredients first of all!! Like real butter, real cream.. The cake selection could be a little wider but hey, at least I know how all the cakes taste 😁 big plus: open on Saturday.